Friday, June 8, 2007

My Trip To Reno (The Biggest Little City in the World)

My trip to Reno....

RENO ... The Biggest Little City in the World.
More on this Soon..!!!

Random Password Generator

PHP Script to Generate Random Password
Here is the script to generate a random 8 character length password. You can change the length to suit your needs.
/*** This fucnction takes one argument i.e. "abcdef...xyz123..90" and
* returns a random character
* $length = strlen($string);
* $postion=mt_rand(0,($length -1));
* //print("Rand_Character Function:($string[$postion])
* return ($string[$postion]);

** @param string $string
* @return Random Character
function random_char($string)
$length = strlen($string);
$postion=mt_rand(0,($length -1));
return ($string[$postion]);
/*** This function takes two arguments the Characters String (e.g. "abcdef...xyz123..90")
* and length of the string (Password) to be created.
** @param string $charset_string
* @param integer $length
* @return string password
function random_string($charset_string, $length)
$return_string = "";
$return_string = $return_string.random_char($charset_string);
return ($return_string);
$charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$password_string =random_string($charset,8);
//Change the number 8 to the length of password you want to.